Why Blog?

Why Blog? kidnapped posterWhy Blog?


We need to save our baby. We love our baby and we want him back.

Leonardo and I have done nothing wrong to our baby: Santiago, born on the 1st February 2016, but he was kidnapped by Social Services from us at only 5 days old.

Judge Baker from the High Court of London stated in his Judgement “no court has made any findings on those local authority allegations”. Nevertheless, our baby was put in Foster Care by Judge Black of the Portsmouth Family Court and by people in the Southampton City Council Corporation using a “future risk of suffering significant harm” allegation.

As you know the future does not exist, therefore nobody can be punished for something in the future.

By Law, everyone is innocent until proven guilty. As we and many other families have witnessed in the secret family courts – mothers and fathers are being punished without a crime. Thousands of children are being removed and put in vulnerable positions within Social Services.

For the Love

For the love we have for our baby, we decided to expose his kidnapping. Kidnapping The UK Judiciary and the Social Services punished us for exposing the injustice done to: Santiago and stopped us from seeing him on the 4th March 2016. He was one month old.

Leonardo and I know that thousands of children are being taken from loving families for the Fostering and Adoption business. For which the government has set up targets, rewarding City Councils with financial bonuses if they reach them. These targets create the incentive to take more and more children.

We have been blogging on Facebook and YouTube and decided to bring together all this information into this blog.

Leonardo and I have been threatened with imprisonment for exposing the kidnapping of: Santiago.

We stand for our baby’s rights.

We will get our baby: Santiago back.

Together we will win.

6 thoughts on “Why Blog?”

  1. why the child is not home with the parents , i do not ,u,understand , how can you take a child from the parents and mother , how sick is that .

  2. How does judge black sleep next to his wife knowing what he has done , doers he have kids him self , does the wife know what he has done knowing so

  3. Dreck schweine Verrbrecke Staat England und tötet alle Sozialdienste mit mehreren Beilschlägen zu Brei dort. und alle schweine Bullen und fotz Richter.Ich hätte die gerne als ich Kind war umbracht und in mein Zimmer getan die stücke.David Gauke verrecke du verbrecher wie Hitler.Du hast dich bestimmt mit Adolfchen versöhnt.Ihr baut dem nächst noch KZs.Das kommende ist schon an der Cam,oh die armen Leute.

  4. We apologise because the google translation is very bad we do not understand what you are saying.
    : Leon &: iolanda.

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