
Our Baby Santiago Was Snatched By the UK Social Services

Hello, and welcome to our website to learn about our story please have a look around the site. We are :Iolanda: Menino, Santiago’s Mother, and :Leon: Edwards, Santiago’s Father. We were a happy couple living in Southampton, UK. We planned to have our first baby together and Santiago was born on the 1st February 2016. We instantly knew he was our world, and nothing could predict that the worst nightmare was about to happen.

Fast forward a few days and Social Services and the Courts were saying Santiago will be adopted soon due to their false allegations.

The false allegations against Iolanda & Leon

We had a home birth and our baby was born on the 1st February 2016, naturally in a birthing pool – (BUT THE REGISTERY OFFICE STATES OUR BABY WAS BORN AT A HOSPITAL)

The NHS midwife arrived 10 mins before our baby was born, more than 4 hours late! We called the labour line 6 hours before! (BUT WE ONLY AGREE TO HAVE THE HOME BIRTH IN THE CONDITION THAT 2 NHS MIDWIVES WOULD ATTEND! ONLY ONE ATTENDED) The NHS did not provide the complete care and safety that was promised by the Pre-Natal Midwife Donna Smith. The Midwife  “Carol Stone” pulled on the umbilical cord twice. After that, Iolanda had severe bleeding losing 2 litres of blood and was rushed to hospital by ambulance. The Midwife did not want to go to the hospital due to concerns about getting a parking ticket on her car. She stated she wanted to go home where her husband was alone with her 4-year-old daughter, waiting for her. Iolanda was taken to hospital for manual removal of the placenta, she almost died! The Midwife “Carol Stone” was negligent!

We have searched for this midwife ” Carol Stone” on the Midwife Registry and she is not registered under the name she gave us. The Midwife knew her actions were negligent and criminal. We believe that she called the Social Services, worried we would report her. She knew the Social Services would create a huge distraction away from her.

While we were in the hospital, we were harassed by the nurses to give our baby’s name. Leon wanted a surprise and did not know the sex of the baby until he was born. Due to circumstances, we had not chosen a name for our baby boy. But the nurses did not comprehend that and were harassing us for a name.

Iolanda was exhausted and recovering at home; after labour and surgery when confronted with several unexpected midwives visits, Iolanda did not open the door to them. Then we got seriously scared with an unexpected Police visit. The Police Officer saw our baby was well and stated to us that “they” were concerned with our baby because we did not open the door. Besides this we explained to the Police Officer the reasons to not open the door, Leon called the Medical Center requesting an urgent Medical Assessment on our baby to appease whoever was concerned; but at the same time, “someone” reported that Leon called the Medical Center stating our baby was unwell. This is not true. So then that was a small step for  “someone” starting accusing us of being negligent, because we did not open the door to midwives and our baby was unwell, according to their hearsay.

Leon’s phone call could have been easily verified through the Medical Center telephone recording, but the fact is no one was interested in the truth.

The appointment ignored by the authorities – convenient to the snatchers!

We scheduled an appointment with our regular midwife, Donna Smith, to the 5th of February, but she could only fit us in the following week. Friday, 12th February.

Instead, clarify the accusations, the false allegations were increasing.

Several times we had the proof that people from Princess Anne Hospital were conspiring to remove our baby from us.

They attempted to say Iolanda was crazy. But after seeing her Curriculum Vitae they abandoned that idea (Iolanda has a medical degree in Cardiac Physiology and she has worked in the Private London Clinic Hospital in Harley Street). Iolanda has been submitted to different kinds of torture – emotional, verbal, psychological and physical with sleep deprivation. Iolanda has even been invited to commit suicide. But Iolanda did not bend to them and showed to be very strong for her baby Santiago.

So, then they used Leon’s website “Leonardo’s Healing Space” to fabricate false allegations. The website provided the public with water purification drops – Sodium Chlorite 22.4% & Hydrochloric Acid 4% activator. Back in 2015, the BBC Television had made a tv program using hidden camera footage on Leon providing a water purification kit to an undercover journalist. The BBC made sure to give no facts to the public and instead only repeat to the public Leon was “selling bleach for medicinal purposes for children and adults”. Based on this TV show, the Local Authorities stated to have concerns with “Leon’s medical beliefs” and so then, our baby was at risk of  “future emotional significant harm”. This means Local Authorities have been given the power to predict the future and with it easily remove children from their loving families without any pieces of evidence, just hearsay.

Nevertheless, of these accusations, Leon has never been charged with any crime

Leon has never been accused of any kind of illegal practice or has ever been charged for providing water purification kits. The same kits that are sold in the UK in several camping shops for water purification.

Medical blood tests had been done to our baby Santiago and the result was “toxicology results did not reveal any signs of bleach”.

About no bleach in santiago

We never did anything wrong to our baby. We love our baby dearly.

The water purification drops – MMS is a subject controversial to the general public, but not illegal. To add, Leon has never been charged by the FDA Authorities, therefore there has never been any legal concerns against him.

Even if there was any kind of investigation on Leon, our baby Santiago should never be separated from his Mother. Santiago was breastfeeding and the separation is an ultimate crime against Santiago with uncontrollable future damages.

Adoption when “nothing else will do”

Judiciary says to the general public that they only place children for adoption when “nothing else will do”, but that is an outrageous LIE.

Santiago has Mother, Father and Grandparents that love him dearly! Santiago’s Grandparents (Iolanda’ s Mother and Father) paid €1500 to a lawyer for an attorney letter. That letter stated to the Court that they wanted and have conditions to bring up their grandson if the Court would not give him to his own Mother. But the Judiciary ignored this letter all along!

All Santiago’s rights to have his identity preserved were violated by the Judiciary!

2 years after Santiago’s kidnap – Santiago’s parents and his grandparents celebrate his birthday and do not give up!


 (3:40 Leon speaks and Santiago’s grandparents give their message of love to him!)

Proof that Judiciary was conspiring

Both parents were told to have different lawyers. Leon had been told by his Lawyer that Iolanda had signed a confession against him. And at the same time, Leon was told this, Iolanda came into the room to warn Leon that she has been pressured to sign a confession against him.

So then we knew that the Medical Assessments were part of the conspiracy to steal our baby. We were pressured to do psychological tests in order to have our baby back. Soon, we discover that all the results were “borderline personality” and used against the parents when nothing else exists. Because we did not want any more false allegations against us, we did not do them.

We were coerced to sign papers

The only paper we signed was a “contract of expectations”  in order to see our baby. People in the Local Authority, the Southampton City Council corporation said if you want to see your baby you must sign this contract. Coercion invalidates a contract. On this contract was written that we were not to cry in front of our baby, to protect him from emotional harm. Judiciary had stolen our baby and now was asking us to have no feelings. We never signed any other papers, to protect our baby and ourselves.

No one is responsible for their actions

In the accusation process, no one puts their name/responsibility to it. It is all hearsay. All the paperwork we were given is a bunch of false accusations raised by “someone said”.

No evidence exists against us! But we were threatened with prison for speaking up

About justice baker JUDGEMENTAbout justice baker judgement 2

We exposed our baby’s kidnapping on the internet because neither we or our witnesses have been heard in Court. The judiciary has never been interested to bring the facts to the Court and instead only heard the Local Authority false allegations.

We have nothing to hide and all we want is our baby’s rights to be heard and put into practice. We reached the Media for help and due to this, the Judiciary stopped us from seeing our newborn baby permanently and placed him for forced adoption. Court has put an injunction to stop our freedom of speech with the threat of imprisonment and/or a fine and removal of assets. The injunction is to hide their crime. And we have been punished for exposing their crime.

Santiago was placed in forced foster care at 9 days old. We have been forcefully separated from Santiago’s life at only one-month-old. Judiciary has stopped us from seeing our baby since the 4th March 2016.

The “Section 31 of the Children Act 1989” allows the UK Judiciary to remove children and to end their ties with their natural family by a judge in a secret courtroom.

Call from Anita Grant Social Worker – 15.07.2016

The ECHR Appeal

As soon as we ask for correctness in the UK Courts, we were thrown out of the Court. The UK court made it impossible for us to make any appeal process to take place. They have sabotaged our efforts to ask for correctness – that we want to avoid perjury. They have sabotaged every attempt by us to do even a single thing. Paperwork has been ignored and thrown out. They have forced us to become incompetent of the Court, by saying to us, that we have to have a solicitor to make an appeal. Now, we are not incompetents of the Court, we (re)present ourselves.

The Family Court in Portsmouth and the High Court of London has shown un-accountable major corruption. UK has silenced the UK media, Portuguese media, and attempted to gag and frighten us, for standing for our baby’s rights. There is a suspended sentence for breach of an injunction, which prevents us from returning to England. We fear for our safety, of our imprisonment and being silenced. This is preventing us from being present in UK courts.

It is ineffective and non-existent in our view to appeal for the rights of our baby to the same UK judiciary, who is bare-faced lying in our case, involving Social Services, CAFCASS, Police, Hospital staff, Doctors, judges, Lawyers/Barristers, Solicitors, journalists and UK charities. Interpol has not acknowledged our report. We have exposed our case personally and officially to the Portuguese Government, Portuguese Embassy in the UK, Portuguese Police and the Courts and they all have ignored us. It is evidence that the corruption in the UK is massive and has power internationally over Portugal. We have been met with a wall of silence. Therefore our remedy we believe is the E.C.H.R. Our baby was taken at 5 days old and it is urgent to get him reunited with us as soon as possible.
But the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) decided to declare our “application inadmissible”, “The Court found that the admissibility criteria set out in Articles 34 and 35 of the Convention have not been met. This decision is final. It is not subject to an appeal…”.

Our Baby’s Story has been published worldwide in the press

We have been spreading awareness of the crime committed to our baby. Since then we learned that Forced Adoption is a practice in the UK. Thousands of children have been wrongly taken and adopted without parental consent. We have been in the media many times, our story is now known all over the Earth. Check what has been said about Santiago’s kidnap in the press here

Below, Iolanda has spoken to the Portuguese President and that moment was recorded by national Portuguese television! That moment was later on published in newspapers and television.

 You can make a difference and support us

Our lives have been turned upside down due to the Judiciary procedures. Iolanda has not been able to work in her profession and her career has been interrupted. To pay for living costs and to spread awareness of our baby’s kidnap Iolanda developed a sewing brand ‘I Love Santiago’.

Please consider supporting us to get our baby back. Support the brand I Love Santiago, purchasing the items handmade by Iolanda or support by sending a donation. All we do is with the aim to rescue our baby Santiago.

I want to check Iolanda’s handmade items – I love Santiago Shop


Whilst pregnant Iolanda started experimenting with sewing and made several blankets for Santiago.

Now, back in Portugal Iolanda has not been able to work (difficult to access job opportunities). But Iolanda has not rendered to the difficulties of life and has developed a sewing brand. She has started with different creative techniques. The method Iolanda uses to make her work – freehand machine embroidery – is essentially like drawing with a sewing machine.  No electronic embroidered machine is used. Building up layers of material to create colour and texture, resulting in beautiful textile collages. Iolanda works predominantly with cotton and linen, creating sketches, which she then translates to the fabric. Iolanda likes Floral Vintage Shabby chic style but Santiago is her big influence in her work. Please get in touch with us if you would like to discuss your suggestions!

About I Love Santiago logo MINI

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The European Convention on Human Rights – Our Right’s violated

In all the process, we had all our human rights violated by the Judiciary:

Article 1 – Obligation to respect human rights – Right to born free and equal in dignity and rights – Santiago is not a ward of the state – we have not birth registered him

Article 3 – Prohibition of torture

Article 5 – Right to liberty and security

Article 6 – Right to a fair trial

Article 7 – No punishment without law – Right to all be equal before the Law and entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law

Article 8 – Right to respect for private and family life

Article 9 – Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion

Article 10 – Freedom of Expression

Article 11 – Freedom of Assembly and association

Article 13 – Right to an Effective Remedy

Article 14 – Prohibition of discrimination

Article 17 – Prohibition of abuse of rights

Protocol to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Paris, 20.III.1952

Article 1 – Protection of property

 Protocol No. 12 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Rome, 4.XI.2000

Article 1 – General prohibition of discrimination

The Convention on the Rights of the Child

The child’s right for which the UK government signed to agree to also is never taken into account these are:

Article 4 (Protection of rights)

Article 5 (Parental guidance)

Article 8 (Preservation of identity)

Article 7 (Registration, name, nationality,care)

Article9 (Separation from parents)

Article 18 (Parental responsibilities; state assistance)

Santiago was placed in forced foster care at 9 days old. We have been forcefully separated from Santiago’s life at only one-month-old. Judiciary has stopped us from seeing our baby since the 4th March 2016.

We love Santiago and we will not give up on him. We believe love conquers all. We will win this battle.

8 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hey guys sorry to hear your story. Do you still have the rites to distribute david wynn miller’s book. If so how can i get one. Thanks lots.

  2. Do you want help?

    I have questioned David on many occasions on your case. He never had a plan. I want you to have closure and get your son back. My son is the same age.

    Marcel and I knew David. Communicating with Russell.

    Marcel has won in court. Wants to help.

    We both sent emails more than once to you’ll.

    Do you want him home?

  3. Such a sad story. Had me in tears, I have been through similar in UK just a couple of years ago. My daughter was 11 when she was taken. I had contact with her until COVID-19, and have to suffer helplessly while watching the UK social services destroy her life and faith in humanity. A special needs child I had worked so hard to bring up to have a normal life just being opulled apart by social services because of a risk assessment they carried out on a person they know nothing about, apart from what someone else told them. Can you imagine an 11 year old from a very loving family being told that her family are going to hurt her one day? As a parent it’s like being punished for a crime I will never commit whilst trying to convince complete strangers with god like powers that they are wrong. As a child, I can only imagine from seeing my own daughters deterioration and reading between the lines of the things she’s allowed to discuss with me. I’ve added my website below but haven’t got it started yet. Not been able to concentrate for long enough. Two years later and the pain isn’t any easier to handle. I will watch your videos when I feel I can handle it. I will add your link to a website I am putting together, hope that’s OK.

  4. Hello Carl,

    Thank you so much for your email.

    I am really sorry that you are going through such evil thing as we are going too.
    It is good to see that more people are coming together. We think that its very important that every single Mum and Dad understands that this is child trafficking. They do try to make parents believe we have done something wrong but your email says it all. I couldnt describe better! I believe karma is a bitch and they will pay!

    I believe too that love can heal everything so please keep your faith. Your daughter will know the truth from you one day. Keep believing that.

    Please feel free to be in touch with Leon and myself (Iolanda).

    I would like to post your email on my website http://www.iolandamenino.com as a testemonial of another kidnap in UK. Do you give me your consent? I will add your name Carl only if you want to.

    PS: Build your website. Write it down about your feelings, and one day your daughter will read all and that will be the one more proof of your love for her and she can read it too even probably before your know it! Kids are very smart!

    Keep your faith!

    With Love,

    Iolanda Menino

  5. I have had 3 girls born in 2010, 2012 and 2013 taken from birth and adopted against my and their fathers wishes and I have just had a beautiful baby boy on 1st November and I’m going through it all over again, I don’t know if I can cope losing another baby but I have to cope to tell my babies how much I loved them and how wanted they were. I was a forced adoption victim myself and my adopted mother and father paid social services £2000 for me as my birth mother changed her mind so it was plan B, which was get me at all costs, I was adopted by a couple in a known D.V relationship, both had criminal records, adoptive mother was a registered class A drug user who was injecting heroin and had been in prison, she also had been arrested for prostitution a few times amongst her extensive criminal record. My children were taken as I had a chaotic childhood and I would not know how to parent due to an unstable childhood. My life was ruined by social services from birth

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